Танковый фронт

Боевое расписание Ирландской Армии

The Irish Army 1939-45

The Irish Army - Part I
Army 1939 consisted of:
6000 regulars
6000 reservists
16,000 volunteers
Outbreak of war on 2 September 1939 had 19,783 total men:
7494 Regular
5066 A and B Class Reservists
7223 Volunteers
Regular Irish Army - British Estimate on 3 September 1939
5 infantry battalions
1 field battery artillery
1 armoured car squadron
1 field company engineers
3 construction and maintenance companies engineers
3 signal companies
4 motor transport companies
1 horsed squadron
1 cyclist squadron
1 light artillery battery
1 anti-aircraft battery
1 tank squadron
21 armoured vehicles included:
13 Rolls Royce Armoured Cars
2 Swedish Landsverk L60 Light Tanks at the Cavalry School
July 1940 the army was 25,000 strong
May-June 1940 placed on war footing with:
7 battalions
an anti-aircraft brigade
2 companies engineers
12 rifle battalions were to be raised to bring strength to 40,000
Local Security Force was to be raised from Gardai
1st Armoured Squadron, Irish Cavalry Corps was at The Curragh
October 1940 four more regular army brigades were to be raised in Eire
Armour consisted of:
13 Rolls Royce Light Armoured Cars
16 Medium Armoured Cars
Some armoured vehicles based on Ford and Dodge chassis
1st Division was located in Cork
2nd Division faced north
4th Field Company, Irish Corps of Engineers existed
11th Infantry Battalion was at Gormanster, County Meath on maneuvers near Boyne in December 1940
By 1942 there were 250,000 men in the Irish Army:
1st, 3rd Brigades - Cork
2nd Brigade - Reserve
5th, 6th Brigades - Carlow
9th Battalion - Waterford
two reserved brigades at Trim and Kells
The Irish Army - Part II
Outbreak of war 3 September 1939
1st, 2nd Reinforced Brigades - organized and mobilized but each 30% understrength
Five garrison battalions were mobilized but at strength of 270 to 540 below establishment
None of the war establishment eight battalions had been organized. All were understrength and many
provided for had not been organized.
Regular cadre consisted of five regular infantry battalions and representatives of corps and service units:
1st Battalion - Galway (An Chead Cath) - Irish-speaking
2nd, 5th Battalions - Dublin
3rd (the Bloods) Battalion - Curragh
4th Battalion - Cork
10th (Uisneach) Infantry Battalion was mobilized

24 May 1940 - Local Security Force was initiated under wing of Gardai Siochana
2,249 Special Enlistments for one rifle battalion - 26th (Old IRA) and the engineering unit of Second Line
Two brigades broken up in 1940 and formed into all-arms strike forces for each of four commands:
New units formed in 1940 for strike forces:
two armoured squadrons
one Bren carrier squadron
two cyclist squadrons
Thirteen rifles battalions needed to be raised for garrison duties
1st Anti-Aircraft Battery was in Dublin in 1939
Other guns allotted to cadres in Cork and Limerick
Became AA Brigade and AA Battalion in June 1940
Air-Defence of Dublin in 1940 had:
Air Defence Command
AA Battalion - 3 medium and 1 light AA Btys
Searchlight Battalion - forming
After 1940 two divisions and three new brigades formed:
First (Thunderbolt) Division - South
Second (Spearhead) Division - North
Commands took over garrison, training, and LDF
Field Force took over brigades and divisions
To complete Bdes and Divs the following units were formed:
2 divisional staffs
3 brigade staffs
3 motor squadrons, Cavalry Corps
4 field companies, Corps of Engineers
4 field companies, Signal Corps
3 field companies, Supply and Transport Corps
4 field artillery batteries, Artillery Corps
1 12-pounder battery, Artillery Corps
1 armoured squadron, Cavalry Corps
6 cyclist squadrons, Cavalry Corps

Order of Battle for new formations:

First Division: HQ Cork
1st Brigade: HQ Clonmel
10th, 13th, 21st Battalions
3rd Brigade: HQ Cork
4th, 19th, 31st Battalions

Second Division: HQ John's Road, Dublin
2nd Brigade: HQ Dublin
2nd, 5th, 11th Battalions
(C Company Gaelgoiri of the 11th Battalion gave up a large pool of officers)
4th Brigade: HQ Mullingar
6th, 8th, 20th Battalions
6th Brigade: HQ Dublin
7th, 18th, 22nd Battalions
(22nd subsumed the Regiment of Pearse and also produced many officers)

Each brigade had a Field Artillery Regiment (Seven new regiments including seven Anti-Tank Batteries
were formed. Each brigade also had an engineer and signal company.

Also there were two independent brigades and three garrison battalions:

5th Brigade: HQ Curragh
3rd, 16th, 25th Battalions

8th Brigade: HQ Rineanna (Not fully formed)
1st, 23rd Battalions
Field Artillery Battery

Garrison Battalions:
14th Battalion: Dublin
17th Battalion: Donegal
24th Battalion: Curragh

Organization of the Irish Army on 30 July 1934:

The Regiment of Rifle - All regular 1st-5th Battalions
The Regiment of Oriel (Counties Louth, Meath, Monaghan)
The Regiment of Leinster (Counties of Kidare, Westwicklow, Wexford, and Carlow)
The Regiment of Dublin (County and Borough of Dublin and Eastwicklow)
The Regiment of Ormond (Ossory in 1935)(Counties of Kilkenny, Waterford, and Tipperary)
The Regiment of Thomond (Counties of Limerick and Clare)
The Regiment of Connaught (Counties of Galway, Mayo and Roscommon)
The Regiment of Breffni (Counties of Cavan, Longford, Leitum, and Sligo)
The Regiment of Tirconnail (County of Donegal)
The Regiment of Uisneach (Counties of Lett, Offaly, and Westmeath)
The Regiment of Pearse (6 November 1935) - OTC

Each regiment had a regular staff and two battalions of A & B Reservists and two battalions of First Line
New Volunteer Force and two battalions of Second Line and a depot battalion of Third Line.

Artillery Corps - Field Batteries numbered 5th to 28th
- Light Batteries numbered 2nd to 7th

Cavalry Corps - Permanent Force (1 armoured, 1 cyclist, 1 horsed squadrons)
- Added 4 armoured, 19 cyclist and 7 horsed squadrons
The Irish Army 1939-45 - Part III
Ireland entered the 'Emergency' period with the following
630 officers, 1412 NCOs and 5452 privates
A & B Reserve - 194 officers, 544 NCOs, and 4328 privates
Volunteers - 237 officers, 557 NCOs, and 6429 privates

Maximum Strength never exceeded:
Two divisions
Two independent brigades
Large scale manouvers in 1942 on the Blackwater - 38,787 all ranks

Summer of 1940 - K.Lines, Curragh Camp
5th Brigade (3rd, 16th, 25th Battalions)

Cyclist Squadrons - Known as the "Piddling Panzers" - September 1939
13 Rolls Royce Armoured Cars
12 Swedish Medium Landsverk Armoured Cars
4 Irish Armoured Cars on Leyland Terrier chassis

Late 1940, there were enough armoured cars for three Armoured Squadrons.
The British later supplied Bren Carriers and Beaverettes

On 6 June 1940, 44,870 members of the Garda enrolled and formed on 22 June 1940 as:
A - Auxiliary to assist the army proper
B - Auxiliary to assist the police for police duties
The Irish Cavalry Corps 1939-45
Armoured Car Corps was consituted in August 1922 with HQ at Dublin.

Nine armoured car companies were created with a varying number of cars.
Corps HQ moved to The Curragh in 1924 and organization reduced to a HQ and four companies
One Company at The Curragh
One Company at Dublin
One Company in Cork
One Company in Athlone
All companies moved to The Curragh in 1925.
Vehicle strength after the move was:
13 Rolls Royce Armoured Cars
7 Peerless Armoured Cars
64 Lancia Armoured Cars
A Vickers Medium C Tank purchased in England in 1929
Depot (recruit training unit) and a school were added in 1931
Separate companies were joined into the 1st Armoured Squadron also in 1931
1st Cyclist Squadron was added in 1933
Name changed to the Cavalry Corps in 1933 at the same time as 1st Cyclist Squadron added.
After 1933 reorganization the Cavalry Corps included the following:
1st Armoured Car Squadron
2nd Armoured Car Squadron (Cadre)
1st Cyclist Squadron
1st Horse Squadron
2nd Horse Squadron
School and Workshops
Volunteer Force (a reserve)
19 Cyclist Squadrons
6 Horse Squadrons
5 sub-depots
Note - Horse Squadrons had all ranks mounted on bicycles
Four Leyland Terrier chassis were purchased in 1933
Turrets purchased from Landsverk of Sweden
Engines replaced by Ford engines
In 1936 eight Landsverk L180 Armoured Cars and two Landswerk L60A Light Tanks purchased.
Four, six and eight-cylindered Ford Light Trucks with M-Gs purchased starting in 1939
These vehicles were called 'Bug Chasers' and formed into motor squadrons as reconnaissance
units, one for each infantry brigade
1st Motor Squadron in 1939 included the following:
Four Reconnaissance Troops
Each troop had five cars and 15 motorcycles
Later, an armoured troop with four Landsverk and Rolls Royce ACs temporarily detached from
1st and 2nd Armoured Squadrons replaced one reconnaissance troop in this and subsequent
Six more motor squadrons formed during WWII.
Lancias had been withdrawn from service by WWII.
2nd and 3rd Armoured Squadrons were formed in 1941.
Armed with Leyland, Lansverk, Rolls Royce, Dodge and Ford Armoured Cars
Carrier Squadron formed in WWII equipped with British Universal Carriers
Four more Landsverk L180s were ordered from Sweden but fell into German hands
4th Armoured Squadron formed in 1944
Equipped with 40 of several Marks of British Beaverette Armoured Cars
Personnel came from disbanded Carrier Squadron. 26 carriers turned over to infantry units.
All units listed above were formed into 1st Armoured Regiment in 1942
This was for large-scale maneuvers and not used after that.
After the war the Cavalry Establishment reduced to:
School and Workshops
one armoured car squadron
one motor squadron

Ирландские бронеавтомобили и танки

Mark I 1920 Rolls Royce called Whippets 13 obtained
Mark II 1936 Landsverk L180 8 purchased
Mark III 1933 Mark II type hull mounted on Leyland chassis  
Mark IV 1938 Ford 1.5 ton  
Mark V 1938 Fored 122-in. 14 built
Mark VI 1938 MkV with Vickers M-G on Landsverk turret  
Mark VII 1939 Dodge 30 hp with Landsverk turret  
Mark VIII   Mark VII with Vickers 50 cal M-G and .303 cal M-G  
Mark IX   British Beaverette of various marks 40 purchased
Peerless 1921 Armor used by other vechicles after 1934 7 from British
Lancia 1922 withdrawn from served by WWII 64 obtained
Crossley Tender 1922 Open topped utility cars  
  1934-39 Ford, Bug Chasers  
Landsverk L60A     Tank 2 purchased from Sweden
Vickers Medium D Tank 1929     one purchased from Britain
Universal Carrier     26 purchased from England


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